Welcome to Immigrantly: a boundary-pushing, border-crossing podcast that gives diverse voices and stories, a home. Drawing on her own experiences as a rights activist and a first-generation Asian immigrant, creator & host, Saadia Khan tackles the big questions on race, identity & the immigrant experience while challenging mainstream narratives in today’s divided America. Covering everything from love and dating to food and faith, each weekly episode explores a theme with inspiring guests such as Grammy-winning singer Arooj Aftab; bestselling author of 'The Kite Runner,' Khaled Hosseini; and comedians Hari
Kondabolu and Aparna Nancherla. It’s a true celebration of what makes us unique –
and a timely reminder of all that unites us. If you’d like to be part of this fun, thoughtful and inclusive community, all you need to do is subscribe!
Executive Producer & Host: Saadia Khan
Sound Design & Content Editor: Manni Simon
Media Coordinator: Kayla Lupoli
Content Writers: Yudi Liu, Ashley Lanuza, Sarah Doh & Saadia Khan
Music: Evan Ray Suzuki/Epidemic Sounds