Animo Radio
Animo Radio

Welcome to Animo Radio, the vibrant online radio station proudly presenting the culmination of creativity, skill, and passion from the students of the Radio Principles and Practices class under the esteemed Communication Department of the University of St. La Salle - Bacolod.

Immerse yourself in an array of thought-provoking discussions, eclectic music selections, and riveting storytelling, all meticulously produced and presented by the diligent and ambitious students. From breaking news segments that keep you informed about the world's latest developments to lively talk shows that delve into local and global issues, Animo Radio captures the heartbeat of society and delivers it to your ears.

Animo Radio isn't just an ordinary station; it's a platform where innovation meets tradition, where the age-old principles of radio meet the modern advancements in broadcasting technology. As the students hone their skills in scriptwriting, voice modulation, sound engineering, and content curation, you, the listener, become an integral part of their learning journey.

So, whether you're seeking an enlightening discourse, a melodious escape, or simply a glimpse into the future of radio broadcasting, Animo Radio is your destination. Tune in, support the aspirations of these promising broadcasters, and be a witness to the evolution of communication artistry. Animo Radio – where the airwaves come to life and dreams take flight.

DISCLAIMER: The music and advertising used on this website is intended solely for educational purposes and non-commercial use. Any music tracks, compositions, or audio content provided on this website are not to be used for any commercial, promotional, or profit-generating activities. This includes, but is not limited to, advertising, marketing, public performances, or any form of monetary gain.